The sounds of a car collision is no sound a driver ever wants to hear. That awful feeling in your stomach, wondering if all your passengers, the other driver, and you are all safe, then the realization that you might be at fault, followed by insurance concerns… It’s not a great feeling.
We all know totally random, unavoidable acts can just happen and there’s not much we can do about that. But what we can do is take our own precautions and try to avoid the accidents that are within our control. Let’s look at some common car collisions and the best ways to avoid them.
Rear end collisions make up the majority of accidents. The best way to avoid being the one that hits another car is to always pay attention. I know it seems simple enough, and it is. Sometimes our lives can get overwhelming or complex, and our minds can wander from the task at hand. But you should never look away from the road to adjust the radio, look at your phone, or to pick up your road beverage. Even if it’s for just a quick second, that second is when you might miss the car in front of you stopping suddenly. You should also allow for safe distance between you and the car in front of you, this means no tailgating! Give even more space if you’re in a heavier vehicle or during inclement weather. And as we all know, do not drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol or when you’re sleepy, as these things will impair our reaction time.
Another easily avoidable type of accident is a single-car accident, when a car hits another object like road barriers, animals, or debris on the road. Once again, you should always pay attention. Even if you’re the only person on the road, you should still be mindful of your surroundings. It doesn’t give you license to try and do other things while you’re driving. This may cause your car to drift out of your lane and right into a barrier, or it could be the moment a deer jumps out in front of your car. You never know when your conditions might change. Remember to drive at speeds that allow you to maintain control, especially in bad weather. You could easily hydroplane in rainy weather on flooded roads if you’re not paying attention.
So the next time you’re out and about, remember the number one thing you can do to avoid collisions is to pay attention. Also, driving the speed limit and being aware of other drivers around you will help you maintain a safe driver status.
If you do happen to find yourself in a collision, you should always take your car to a certified collision repair shop after the accident. They can detect any and all issues that might have resulted from the collision to best inform your insurance company of items to fix. Give us a call today with your questions!
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